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Research Project
Effectiveness of the Integration TB services into HIV care at lighthouse facilities in Lilongwe.
Impact evaluation evidence on the effects of integrating HIV services with other health services is still very limited. While it appears that there is a growing number of service integration efforts, as long as there is strong international support for this kind of integration, more evidence is needed to inform decision making and policy making. To ensure that we are getting the most value from these integration efforts we need more evidence on what works, why, how, and at what cost.
The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of integrating tuberculosis services into HIV care in order to improve the health of people living with HIV.
This study will provide insight into the effort that goes into the successful design and implementation of integrated HIV service delivery interventions at health facility level and return the study findings may be inferred to the national level. It is also hoped that the information obtained in this study will be used in generating additional research and efforts to continue to improve the successful effort that Malawi has led in implementing such a comprehensive integration effort.
Cynthia is the principal investigator for the project and she is responsible for developing its protocol and conducting the research study to completion.